Unrecognized UI element

Hi there,
i stuck in problem
my case is about deal with two apps ( windows applications) and do some actions so its all about UI elements … on my machine ( win10 ) it works well !! but when runs it on another machine (win11) (using assistant) the process stuck in the third interface of app1 ( couldn’t find Ui element) , i tried to use attach window activity , modern classic with selector and anchor , find element !! exist element and replace any classic activity but non of these worked , so I tried to test uipath ( robot ) on win11 in a VMware not real and the shocked is that the robot ran fine !!! I’m so confused why in that machine there is a problem with that interface !!! why robot could not recognize it !!! is there any solution !! it seems so weird !!!

Hi @Hisham_Alshareef,

Can you share a screenshot of the error you received and its details?


see my work flow as below :

  1. use application to open it

  2. type into information login > username and password

  3. click on login button.

  4. after home main screen is open then click on AAA from header menu and choose from a sub-menu BBB interface.

so until here is work fine …

after BBB interface in opened , robot could not recognize it !! no with check state , timeout , delay before , element exist , find element , attach window , click classic activity , modern click activity with anchor or type into …

non of these are worked when robot reach to this screen … !!!

note that / I 've used use application again inside the previous one after click on login activity… to be sure more than time that the application is work fine and the activity from click on header menu is inside it !! but could not understand why this error happened with that machine!!!