Unattended robot does not work with UI elements

Hello to all Uipath community, working with my unattended robot I stucked on a problem that robot can work only on system layer(creating files, opening exe…) but does not work with UI elements, which I need to identify on browser(currently exist element activity is working fine but click fails
Any suggestions would be great! Thank you


I think your robot facing the cannot find UI element problem.
Maybe you can use Wildcards to solve this problem.

Please refer at below:

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Checked that, all selectors is all right and no need in dynamical part of it…

Do you use Highlight to confirm area that you want to click?


No, I have used just click selector

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Kindly try with other browser mostly with IE rather to Chrome
if we are using Chrome we need to install the Chrome extension or if its IE no need of extension.
–while using CLICK activity enable the property like SIMULATE CLICK and set WAITFORREADY property as COMPLETE

–If the click activity is done inside any browser use ATTACH BROWSER and then use click activity inside that activity or if its a new window then use ATTACH WINDOW activity and use click activity within it

this would work for sure
you are almost done

Cheers @Andrey_Voinalovich

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I’m using IE or my robot and I have done this steps before, it doesn’t helped…
But thank you for such a huge answer!

what was the error you were facing with click activity
Cheers @Andrey_Voinalovich

It was “Click activity Failed” in Orchestrator

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that was high level error note
may i know why it got failed and we can see that in log message on double clicking that log
Cheers @Andrey_Voinalovich

Hi @Andrey_Voinalovich,

I had the same issue with using unattended robot timing out on UI elements when the desktop session is locked or not running. I have managed to resolve all these, and yes I am using the Community Edition.

The trick really is to ensure that we that the “Click” or the “Type Into” activities have the “SendWindowMessages” selected. This will work for most web UI elements on a browser.

I find that for the Windows Applications, choosing the “SimulateType” works better with the UI elements.

Using the combination of the above have resolved the issues for me. Now my CE version can run the UiPath process triggered by the Task Scheduler (and not via the Orchestrator) without the desktop session constantly logged on.

Hope this helps.

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Hi @Andrey_Voinalovich May I know which browser are you using to automate?