Unattended Bot not running after machine locked

I have created an unattended bot and it runs properly when I trigger it when machine not logged off,but when machine is logged off the status shows successful but bot is not running…As I am new to this is any step I am missing?

If it has multiple machine connected to it, then process is dynamically allocated to another machine.

@siddhesh250193 - Is it Community Edition Or Enterprise edition?

Please check below link

Thanks for replying, Only one machine is connected

Have you tried changing it to Standard machine?
I can see its a Template.

Yes, Now I have added my machine as standard and Uipath assistant is also connected using machine key,but now i’m niot able to publish from UIpath studio as it is showing error of connection.

Snippet for standard machine
In below snippet I have added as Standard Machine

I’m also faccing same issue can anyone help me

Hi @vamshi_chowdary

Welcome to community

Could you check the things

  1. We should have any on going connections with the VM(bot machine) like user logins. to avoid this we have to restart the VM to make sure that no user logged into this VM machine.
  2. Have you installed the Bot which you are running as un attended from orchestrator by using MSI installer since we must install the bot with service mode since service mode bot is required for un attended automation.
  3. Make sure that you assigned un attended bot license for the Bot(VM) which you are trying to run your process un attended.
