Unable to Type Into in File Explorer's File Name Bar (Upload Yearly Report - Level 3 Assignment)

I’m trying to finish the Generate Yearly Report from the Advanced Training, but I got stuck in the Upload Yearly Report workflow.

What I need to do: Upload Yearly Report
Where I’m stuck: Select Report File (see images below)

These are the bot’s actions before it stops:

  1. Type Vendor TaxID
  2. Choose Year
  3. Click “Select Report File” button
  4. Then type into the File Name bar

    (This is where the workflow stops before returning an error, it’s supposed to type the in_ReportPath)

The weird part is I’ve typed in the File name bar countless of times before this (Create Yearly Report workflow), used the same argument (in_ReportPath) but never had any problems.

What I tried to do: I copied the entire workflow into a new workflow and tested it from there, I also added an attach window for the file explorer pop up, enabled the ClickBeforeTyping property, but it still didn’t work (it clicks the file name bar but doesn’t type any path - in_ReportPath) in the main workflow, but when I try the same sequence to a new workflow, it’s working. I don’t know why.
Error I’m receiving: Another weird thing is the error seems to skip the Type Into and Click Upload Report Button steps and points the error to the Get Text step.

More info on error:


If it’s confusing, please feel free to ask any questions. :slight_smile:


Hi @UiP_Mc,

Your in_ReportPath variable returns Null. So it is writing Null value to File Name Bar than it skips Type Into and Click Button steps until run into Get Text activity.

Please check your workflow again.




in_ReportPath is null. Please ensure this is filled correctly.