Hi All,
I am trying to automate Java based desktop application with UiPath, while typing the text into textbox on first time it is working but when I try to enter another value into same field text box seems to be un-editable with blue highlight on it, and it wont allow to type in or double click & select the textbox, I’m using for each row in data table to type in the value one by one, I have installed the latest java version as well the extension but still facing same issue,
can anyone pls help me on this issue,
Thank you in Advance!!!
Hi @Parmar_Snehal_Cognizant ,
Your application is desktop application make by java
it as java swing?
Have you tried edit selector of type into activity?
or check delay before type into
click on textbox before type into,
check image exist…
yes I tried delay before type into click on textbox before type into,
& image exist bot is clicking on it but not able to type in anything, even it is highlighting the box properly, selectors are also getting validated
Oh, when we type into manual it no problem, that’s right?
have you try with “Try catch”
Use “set a clipboard” to save value “send hot key” activity with key ctrl+v
yes its in try catch only but no use of it coz its not giving error while typing & textbox getting freeze after entering first value so after that manually also its not working
if cannot type into when manual, I think app error
it’s not error of activity
have you tried when type into manual by people
yes I tried manually it working but when run though UiPath first time it will type and the it get freeze after that with bot also not working and manually also not working
Oh, I think app has error in this text box
we can type into, robot can type too
if we can’t, robot can’t too
not like that manually we can type properly before running bot but once we run the bot only first time it is able to type and then for second time its not working
Yes I see your problem
People can type ok
but robot type failse, after robot type false, people cannot type
that’s right?
Do you think this app block robot because it work too fast, or some activty of robot click or type error before then make app freeze
or have any task conflict when running…etc
no I dont see any error & no app running in background bot is clicking on that textbox as well as I have checked click before type property but some how its not typing
Are you the owner of that app?
Or you can share the error screen when you encounter it
no I’m not the owner of the app, its just a normal textbox under table