Faulted Process in Orchestrator - The Main.xaml workflow cannot be found. Make sure that it is part of the project

I was very excited to publish my automation in orchestrator as I was using the triggers for the first time. I set triggers daily morning at 10:30 am IST but it says “FAULTED” Even when I tried to run it manually, still it shows the same status. Even the logs are not available.

I tried running the bot in the Studio it worked but not from the orchestrator.

Hi @Anirudh_Tugawe

click on the exclamation icon and share with us a screenshot


Start with clicking the little ( i ) icon on the job lines. It’ll tell you the error message on why it failed.
Next step look at the job logs, if it generated any, and troubleshoot the error from there…

In what you show there are apparently no log, which hints at the robot not being able to start the job. Find the error message 1st.

I remember I deleted the main xmal during the development, but later created another blank process and named it main.


You need to set as Main

Click in the workflow using right mouse button > then Click Set as Main

Publish the package again


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You do not create your process in Main.xaml. Go back to the studio and click on workflow which you want to publish and then click on Set as Main as shown below and again publish to the orchestrator.


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