I try running from the orchestrator but it is unable to open any app on the remote desktop. I can only use application/browser on the orchestrator for websites so this is the first time I need to use actual apps
Hi, Did you try the Open Application activity? Activities - Open Application
As per error the application could not be opened…did you set open as if not open or always?
It can be many reasons…can you check the screenshot just to verify
It is set to always open and always close
Is the application location correct?
is it any java based jar file or so?
Did you check the screenshot?
if any user specific location then unattended robot should be configured with appropriate values
When I run locally, it is able to run and find the application.
When I run as the unattended bot, it cannot open any application.
I am not sure if it is looking at the correct remote desktop or if it is another issue.
What is the application location?
And when tunning from orchestrator is it running in a different machine and with different user?