Unable to Get text from Same Tab Name But different Contain

Hello Everyone,
I was trying to get text from a web page after clicking the link from 1st page then it goes to 2nd web page with same tab title where i am trying to get text . but problem is that when i run the activity it goes back to to the first page then error appears that ui element not found. I have tried many things but getting the same error.

Hi @Prateek_Gulab_Pathak ,

Could you let us know are you using a different Attach Browser or Use Application / Browser activity for the Second web page ?

Also, There must be a difference between the two Selectors of the First and Second Page. Do check in UiExplorer if you could spot out the difference and maybe you could use it in the selector.

Hi @Prateek_Gulab_Pathak

After clicking the link on the first web page, it may take some time for the second web page to load completely. Make sure to include appropriate wait activities in your automation workflow to ensure that the second web page has loaded fully before attempting to extract text from it also try to use the right selector when extracting text from a web page.

Avoid navigating back to the first page: If you need to extract text from the second web page, there may be no need to navigate back to the first page. Once you have clicked the link and arrived at the second web page, you can directly extract the text from the appropriate UI element without navigating back to the first page.

I hope it helps!!

i am using use application activity i tried to diffrenciate the selector but it is showing error then also

i am not navigating the page back to the 1st it is going automatically before doing get text activity its not issue of page loading i think its problen for selector to diffrentiate between both tabs ass both name are same


Did you try to check the selector in UiExplorer?
Can you share some screenshot what you are referring to?


Ya i tried the selector to diffrentiate between tabs but it Does not working.

Hi @Prateek_Gulab_Pathak

Use the Use application/Browser activity for the first webpage, after it will redirect to the another webpage. In this case use another Use application/browser activity and indicate the second opened webpage. Make sure to keep the window attach mode property for use application/browser activity in Application Instance.

I hope it will help for your automation!!