I have tried that selector as well. That got me from page 1 to 2, but I had
no success modifying that selector to work further (page 3, 4 etc). There
are three different areas to select the button, and I have tried all three
recent to posting om forum.
What I did was to open UiExplorer, indicate the next page button on screen, then from the Selector Editor I checked the closest ancestor of the next page button selector. I also removed the aaname attribute as it was too specific. Also, please make sure to set the MaxNumberOfResults property in ExtractData activity to a greater number, because the default is 100 and that’s only good enough for the first 2 pages.
If the above selector does not work, try different combinations of ancestors/attributes in UiExplorer. Please let me know if it worked.
It worked like a charm! I need to work on my understanding of HTML to be able to find those selectors myself. Thank you very much for finding a solution and also learning me something new!