Data Scraping NextLinkSelector


I’m trying to scrape data on this website. When i create NextLinkSelector automatically with Data Scraping it go only to page 2, because it has some exact link to page 2, but not dynamic link to next page.

Could someone help me please?

Thank you!

Hi @resj01
Welcome to UiPath Community !
For NextLinkSelector, did you indicate the following button ? (in the red rectangle)

Yes, exactly that one.

the selector is hardcoding =2 when e.g indicating next selector while configuring the Datascrapper

Just generalize it afterwards e.g. like:
<webctrl href='/hledani/prodej/byty?strana=*' isleaf='1' tag='A' idx='2' />


It works! Thank you very much, I was trying some kind of generalization, bud my attempts didn’t work.

Unfortunately another problem apeared. Now it srapes 45 pages, when there is 500+ pages available. I have MaxNumberOfResults set to ‘0’, so it should scrape all results. Any idea what is wrong now? Sorry for another disturbing.

the selector shows not any hints why it is blocking. just page forward to page 44 and test if the scrapper is paging over page 45

You can use the reading method in While / Do while loop instead Data Extraction.

Condition: NextSite_Exists As Bool = True


  • Append scraped data
  • Check if Next Site Element Exist


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