Unable to find selector that was previously found

For some reason I am now unable to find selectors that I was able to find when I created a my workflow. An example of this is when I try to click on the “home” button on microsoft excel the click and “indicate on screen” would identify the “home” button. Now when I try to run the bot it fails to find the selector. And when I try the “indicate on screen” I am unable to identify the “home” button but rather the entire navigation banner.

You probably think that this is a problem due to a recent update for excel, but I have not updated excel recently and this problem persists with other programs I have the bot interacting with. Is there a setting on uipath studio that I accidently selected that causes difficulty in finding selectors of elements?

Hi @Jacob_Summers.

Please check the selector.
It may be dynamic :slight_smile:

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Nope, the selectors are not dynamic.

It’s working now!! When I restarted my computer the bot was able to find the selectors. Not sure why that fixed the bug but I’m relieved that it worked

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Sometimes some programs uses “invisible” windows and that may cause conflicts with Robot. For example when you are recording while robot is running.