Unable to find Data Scrapper in Studio


I am unable to find
Design ribbon tab → Wizards group → Data Scraping

please guide where I can find this

is it ensured that the UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities Package is associated with the project?

hi @Farrukh_Munir

can u try referring above link

Kindly note: the linked post were changing the project settings from modern to classic. But we saw there in the screenshot the button Table Extraction.

So let us summarize

  • UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities Package reference is needed
  • Classic Mode/Design - Button: Data Scraping
  • Modern Design - Button: Table Extraction
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I think reference is installed

What is the alternative of Screen Scrapping in modern design?

is it available on the Ribbon menu?

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yes its avaialble

then you can grab table data. Any further open question on this topic?

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Appreciate the feedback

perfect, so get the topic closed

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