Unable to download packages

Unattended Robot is unable to install packages. It is connected correctly to Orchestrator and is licenced. But somehow downloading of packages is not working? it ke
what could be the possible reasons? its stays in the loop saying… “installing” but after hours it gives a timeout error.

Its is installed in service mode
have admin rights (otherwise it cannot even connect to Orchestrator)
computer has access to links nuget/myget etc


Welcome back to our UiPath community.

May I know what error you are getting while installing packages ?

Hi Lakshman,
as i wrote above, it gives a time out error after really LONG time of “installing”.

Perhaps the communication with Orchestrator Library is very slow? where can i tune this… any idea?

having error

System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: InstallProcess
 ---> System.TimeoutException: InstallProcess timed out.
 ---> System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: A task was canceled.
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.Connection.Send(Request request, CancellationToken token)
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient`1.<>c__DisplayClass18_0`1.<<InvokeAsync>b__1>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.IOHelpers.WithTimeout[TResult](IEnumerable`1 cancellationTokens, TimeSpan timeout, Func`2 func, String message, Func`2 exceptionHandler)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient`1.<>c__DisplayClass18_0`1.<InvokeAsync>b__2(Exception ex)
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.IOHelpers.WithTimeout[TResult](IEnumerable`1 cancellationTokens, TimeSpan timeout, Func`2 func, String message, Func`2 exceptionHandler)
   at UiPath.CoreIpc.ServiceClient`1.InvokeAsync[TResult](String methodName, Object[] args)
   at UiPath.Service.UserHost.AgentOperations.InstallProcess(InstallProcessParameters parameters, CancellationToken ct)
   at UiPath.Service.UserHost.AgentOperations.InstallProcess(InstallProcessParameters parameters, CancellationToken ct)
   at UiPath.Service.UserHost.AgentOperations.<>c__DisplayClass12_0.<<UpdateProcesses>g__AutoInstall|4>d.MoveNext(), HResult -2146233029

Same issue for me, did you resolve this, if the answer is yes, how so?
Would be great if you could share your outcome, it is holding us up deploying.

Kind regards,


from what I understand in Uipath’s architecture the packages of robots machines should download the project with its dependencies from the orchestrator and later, in case of error, download directly from the internet.
For some reason my robots machines are not downloading the package directly from the orchestrator and consequently they are downloading from the internet. But to work the download of dependencies over the internet, I needed to release the URL’s below on the firewall server.

URL’s to be released in the firewall:

At first this solution solved my problem, but I’m still in doubt about the architecture if the robots machines are really trying at first to download the orchestrator that already has the compressed projects.