Scenario: UIPath unable to do recording java application
Steps to reproduce: Open a specific java application and do recording using UIPath
Current Behavior: unable to recognize the selected element (textbox or combo box) during recording (it highlighted the full screen as selector )
Expected Behavior: to recognize the selected element (textbox or combo box)
Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:
Last stable behavior:
Last stable version: UIPath Studio 2017.1.6498
OS Version:
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):
Just use UiExplorer and try to indicate any element inside that java application and check in that returned selectors like below?
<java role=”...” />, then the extension is not working properly.
if getting like this - <wnd app=”...” /><ctrl role=”client” /> //then it is supported some elements or might fully as well.
UiPath is compatible only with Java Swing and AWT apps. To detect the type of your Java application, check the cls attribute (window class name) in UiExplorer. The class name should be similar to SunAwtFrame. A faulty class name resembles abcclass-abccass-1 and so and so.
To check if the extension is not working properly, open UIExplorer and try to select controls inside a Java app. If the entire window is selected, it means that the extension is not working properly.
If you can select controls, but their selectors look like
instead of , then the extension is not working properly.
Note: UiPath is compatible only with Java Swing and AWT apps. To detect the type of your Java application, check the cls attribute (window class name) in UiExplorer. The class name should be similar to SunAwtFrame. A faulty class name resembles GlassWndClass-GlassWindowClass-3.
You can also verify if the extension files have been properly installed:
Using Notepad, open, which is located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\lib folder. If the extension is properly installed, the file should contain assistive_technologies=UiPathV8.UiPathBridge
In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\lib\ext folder, you should find UiPathV8.jar and jaccess-1_4.jar.
In the C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_65\bin folder, you should find UiPathJavaBridgeV8.dll or UiPathJavaBridgeV8_x64.dll.
Note: If any of the previous requirements are not met, you can try to reinstall the extension as explained above, or fix them manually.
Documents are well updated now on so you can find information there as much I guess
All the above mentioned jar files and dll’s are generated after I enabled the java extensions however the versions are different. Does the version of java cause issue?
I have java jre 1.7. Is that causing the issue?
I’m not able to attach to live elements, getting the selectors as <java role=“”… After I indicate even a single action like click, I’m getting exceptions foe selectors.
I cheked all of these option, All are Ok,
but I can’t get selectors from application,
I use Oracle version : SGBDR :
Oracle Applications LEASE> : 11.5.8
Oracle Forms version :
Oracle AOL : 11.5.0
the Java installed on my machine is 1.8
There could be multiple issues due to which Java Applications are not getting identified using the UiPath Extension. I was also facing the same issue and then Navigated through different cases to drill down the problem.