I am working on a project trying to navigate a webpage based on a yes or no answer shown on the screen. Is there a way for UiPath to read the value and then navigate based on the “yes” or “no” answer the respondent has given?
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Yes of course that’s possible
—either the way like If we are able to select the terms as individual elements then we can use get text activity and get the text with a variable of type string named out_text
—now use a if condition like
And if the above condition passes it will go to THEN part of if condition where we can use a navigate to activity - mention the url where we want to go
If we are not able to access them as individual elements the. We can use screen scrapping method from design tab in studio and choose the text we want to find and store that in a variable of type string and remaining steps are same
Hope this would help you
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @ryanhudgin
Thank you for the quick help! That did the trick. Is there also a way that I can use the information that I store in the variables to populate and excel spreadsheet? Will the information change if I continue using string variables?
No worries
Yah of course we can save them in a variable
— if you are extracting as a datatable with Data scrapping then we can directly pass that datatable variable as input to a excel
— if we are getting as individual value then we can store them as Array
Then we can pass that array as input to property named ArrayRow in add data row activity like
{“value1”,”value2”,”value3”,…”value1”} and mention the datatable name as another input to it
— so now the value gets added to the datatable as row one by one
Doesn’t matter the value changes or not
Hope this would help you
Cheers @ryanhudgin
Awesome. Thank you. I’ll have to learn more about Arrays since they are individual elements. Thank you!
Cheers @ryanhudgin
For more info on this
Cheers @ryanhudgin
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