UIPath StudioX - Deploy the bot in other computer

Hello all! I builded a bot on my computer and its running perfect. But when I shared with a coworker, he could’t run it in his computer.

Could someone point me how to deploy the bot in other computer please? Keep in mind im working with studiox…

Thanks all!

You might want to sit with him and debug it on his machine, or try it on another machine where you can debug it. Issues like this normally indicate a reference to something only on your local C drive, or a different setup on another user’s machine for the applications loaded.

Thanks Anthony for your quick response.

Absolutely agree with your response. But the thing its that we have issues at the beginning of the run in where the bot have to open a browser. I mean, the first instructions are related with log in an specific site.

What should i do?

He already have studio X installed in his computer

If it’s a problem opening the browser other than Internet Explorer, make sure they have the UiPath plugin installed in the browser. Otherwise, the automation will not work.

I forgot that i did that at the beginning! I will check that in first place

Thanks Anthony.

Ps. Do you know if its possible to do an unattended bot with studio x in which we dont have the functionalities of orquestrator?

I know it’s possible, but I’m not sure how to set it up. I recall reading that Orchestrator is optional for running bots, but there must be something for Studio to connect to in order to verify that a license is available. Orchestrator makes it easier to manage the backend components.

In my opinion, Orchestrator is still strongly recommended, since otherwise it becomes very difficult to manage processes, licenses, and bots.

Well, thanks for your words Anthony. I´ll keep it in mind. This are my first steps with uipath and i am non-coder, so i thought trying first with this version would be easier. But for sure, i´ll try later.

Thanks! Have a good day!

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