As of now you will find the full detailed list in the Orchestrator user guide:
As of now you will find the full detailed list in the Orchestrator user guide:
As of now you will find the full detailed list in the Robot user guide:
Silly question, same applies to 2017.1 as well?
Hi Vinay,
Yes, it applies to 2017.1 version as well.
Great. Thanks Viorela.
Question how about Studio to update itself where it need to connect to? Also orchestrator if applicable.
Hi @vvaidya
Only those from Community feed were moved to Gallery, the rest of them are still on myget.
Hi Ovi,
Could you please help me as I am getting below error.
Activation failed with error: -4006
Error description: Server returned invalid XML
License status: Undetermined.
Hi @dssingh17
See here:
Hey @ovi - how are you?!
Quick question…are these whitelisted sites still relevant? They don’t seem to be listed in the installation guide? Could we get the guide updated perhaps?
Done, Richard! Thanks!
Hi Ovi,
I could not find one for 2018.3
Could you please share the IP Address and Port list for 2018.3 also? Appreciate the help.