UiPath Orchestrator Alerts with Office 365 SMTP Settings

Hi everyone!

Straight to the point…
I want to configure the Emails alerts functionality, through the UiPath Orchestrator. The idea is to receive email notifications when jobs are faulted, etc…

I can see the SMTP Port / Host, Domain … but all the available sources i found on Internet are about Gmail setup. I would like to configure an Office 365 functionality instead, as the company uses Outlook.
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance!

First, check if in a powershell.exe console you are able to send and receive email using the below script, then configure the Email Settings in Orchestrator.

$From = "USER.NAME@outlook.com"
$To = "USER.NAME@uipath.com"
$Subject = "Email Subject"
$Body = "Insert body text here"
$password = "YOUR_SMTP_PASSWORD" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, $password)
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject `
-Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort -UseSsl `
-Credential $credential
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Thank you @marian.platonov for the quick response!
I will check that!

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