UiPath MVP 2021 - nominate Forum experts 
Have you ever wondered how can you become UiPath MVP for 2021?
It is quite simple: apply here
To make it more fun, we are following up our last announcement with a game that will hopefully boost the confidence of many Forum experts.
How do I nominate someone?
Simply mention below the username of the Forum expert who you think deserves to become the next UiPath MVP for 2021. Share with us why you think they would be an awesome MVP and give them the confidence to apply.
To make it even more fun, I am calling on our current @UiPath-MVP’s to start nominating users who they believe would become great UiPath MVPs.
If you have any questions, please join the #mvpinquiry channel on UiPath Community Slack or read more about the UiPath MVP program in our MVP FAQ here.
Check MVP FAQ’s here & feel free to spread the news!!!