UiPath Go ! BalaReva EasyExcel Activities

Dear All,

I have added some new activity in this package (27.0.0).

  • Tab Color - Change the tab sheet color.

  • Find Empty rows
  • Hideunhide empty rows.
  • Delete EmptyRows

Thank you

Dear all,

Now I have renamed the CellFont Activity to Set Range Style.

It has the below features .

Font Style - None,Regular,Italic,Bold,BoldItalic .
FontUnderLine - Double,DoubleAccounting,Single,SingleAccounting
FontScript - Superscript,Subscript,RemoveScript


Hi @balupad14
How can I use this activity to link between sheets in one workbook?

Appreciate your help. Your activities are really helpful.

Dear All,
Here is the video explanation about how to extract the hyperlink from Excel to Datatable.

Thank you

Dear All,
Here is the video explanation about how to insert or update the hyperlink using datatable.

Thank you

Dear all friends ,
I have included a new activity called “Merge / Append Sheet ByRow” that append/combine the excel sheets with the format.

Here is the sample …

Here the sample is that to merge / append / combine the file2 to file1 by row .

File 2 :

File 1 :

Output :

Sample :
MergeSheet.zip (72.2 KB)

Thank you

Hi Bala,

I just want to change the font color in excel which seems to be very easy with the easyexcel activity, but when i am running it, getting an error.

Exception : RemoteException wrapping System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Base.ExcelActivity.HandleException(Exception ex)
at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Sheets.CellFont.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance,
ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager,
Location resultLocation)

Hi @sneha.kumar,

Check this.


your “find/replace” example works for me. However, when I am applying this to my user case. It opens an excel file and save it at a different location, please help!


Can you please send a sample one with .xmal,.proj, and excel file.

Thank you

sure, can you send them to you privately?

Within Excel application Scope, i read several values from a sheet, save them as variables. (i think the sheet is still open). then I use your Excel Scope/Find-Replace, the sheet is saved at a different location. However, if I insert “close Excel application” after “read cell” activity, the excel sheet will be overwritten

Hi @spanct ,

Don’t use the activity inside the excel application scope (Uipath)…

use it outside of the scope…

Thank you

you are right, however, within a workbook, if i would like to replace a variable with another variable reading from each sheet, any suggestions? thanks!

I am getting this error when I run it from their remote desktop.

Currently I do not have access to Microsoft Excel on their remote desktop. However when I ran the process on my own system with Excel I had no problem. Would like to know if Excel must be installed onto the system for the “Excel Scope” to work or could this be because of a different issue.

How to get hyperlinks of multiple cells. For single-cell, I can use get hyperlink by providing cell value. but dynamically how can we do.

Hi Master!

Do you have any ideas for my question?

Thank you

HI @Chen_Kenny ,
yes. it is possible . But it is not from this package. It is from BalaReva Quick Excel package. before that please explain the case…

Thank you

Sorry, @c.ciprian for late.

My question is very simple. I just want to select the multiple items in Slicers view. Because my users will select them as the variables to filter the right table for macro. Let me try to use your package. Thank you so much for your contribution. Your package is very useful for me.

If you are willing to provide the online course to teach me how to create the new package by myself. I will buy it. :slight_smile:

oh … I can’t find BalaReva Quick Excel package… did it already release?