UiPath Cloud Platform - Public Preview Now Available!

UiPath Cloud Platform is now ready for Public Preview!

We are extremely excited to have you as part of this preview and would like to thank you in advance for your participation and feedback.

To get you started, go to https://platform.uipath.com. Sign up for an account if you are not yet a Community user. If you are, log in with your existing Orchestrator Community credentials and enjoy the ride! Here’s an overview of the key capabilities & benefits:

Cloud Platform Benefits

  • Start your Production Faster - Once you have prototyped your initial automations in UiPath Studio and they are ready to move to production, you can simply deploy them into the cloud and start production.
  • Collaboration - Teamwork gets the job done quicker and better. Work together with your colleagues by inviting them to join your cloud account.
  • Scale Easily as You Grow - Reached your maximum automation capabilities? Simply request as many licenses as you need directly from your account. Our team will get in touch with you, grant you the necessary assistance, and enable you to seamlessly scale up.
  • Instant Access to New Functionalities - New, innovative functionalities and products are instantly accessible to you from within your cloud account. No more need to upgrade your Orchestrator to the newest release - we are taking over the task of keeping you on the latest version, so you may concentrate on more important matters.
  • Easy, Frictionless Startup Experience - Until now, as an Enterprise customer, you had to download the .msi package and install Orchestrator, having to go through some pretty complicated installation instructions. Not anymore, not while using UiPath Cloud Platform! You just sign in to your cloud account, pick an account URL, and access Orchestrator’s power instantly, no setup whatsoever.
  • Automatic License Activation - Orchestrator licensing is activated automatically by UiPath when signing up on a specific plan, be it Community or Enterprise. Robots & Studio are automatically licensed once connected to services in UiPath Cloud Platform. Should you require new Robot licenses or a renewal, just click a button and our Sales team will reach out to you.
  • License Usage at a Glance - Valuable telemetry is accessible both per account and per service, displaying information like your license usage trend, the distribution of licenses per Robot type or Robot usage trend per service.
  • Lower Costs, Simplify IT - As an enterprise, you no longer have to invest in a dedicated IT infrastructure for automation, hence lowering your total cost of ownership. We perform all the installations, setups, and other configurations for your services. No more hassle from your side, no need to dedicate ongoing IT efforts to manage on-premises Orchestrator servers. You just concentrate on automating your processes, let us do the IT jobs.

Cloud Platform Features

  • User Management – One of the main benefits of UiPath Cloud Platform is the possibility to collaborate with your peers on your automation processes, and enabling your colleagues to jump in at any moment to help scale up the automation initiative. To bring them on board, open the Users page and click the Invite Users button. Working together with your team is easier than ever!
    When inviting users, you can assign the new users specific roles within the account. You can easily control the access and permissions for each service by granting access and assigning specific roles to your users in the Services page > Users tab. Click here for more information on managing users.
  • Services - When you sign up for an account in UiPath Cloud Platform, we create a default Orchestrator service for you to use right away. Click its name to start using it as it is, or click Manage Service to manage the assigned users and view the license usage and the usage trend for this specific service. Reallocate the licenses of a specific service by clicking Edit . Click here for more information on distributing your licenses.
    When one service is not enough for your growing needs, upgrade to the Enterprise plan and start creating additional services instantly. Click Add Service , enter a name, allocate some Robot licenses to it and you are done. We create the new instance in a few moments so you can continue your automation journey seamlessly.
    Having a hard time identifying one specific service? Use the search box to ease your day.
    Remember that you can disable services, thus the licenses associated to it being freed up. Reactivate it when you need to use it again. A service may be also deleted, but only when no processes are being executed.
  • Licensing - After starting the automation journey with your colleagues, feel free to reach out to us if you need more robotic power, and our sales representatives will be happy to provide you as many additional licenses as you want. The Licenses page is there for you to request more licenses. Simply click Request More Licenses and enter the number of licenses you need for each type of Robot. When it’s time to renew your licenses, click Request Renewal , choose the number of years, and decide whether you need a different license configuration. That’s it! We’ll contact you to settle the details.
    You can view the license usage details on the Dashboard , the home page of the platform. It displays comprehensive account information in a visual manner, featuring consumed versus allocated Robot licenses. Click here for more information on licensing.
  • Resource Center - You need UiPath Studio before starting your automation journey. If you haven’t installed it yet, no worries! The Resource Center page displays download links for Community and Enterprise Editions, as well as a series of useful documentation links in case you have any questions about the UiPath ecosystem.
  • Notifications and Logs - No action remains a secret, so don’t worry about losing track of what’s happening on your account. Stay compliant with a complete record of all account and membership changes. Notifications keep you posted of every action you performed and the time it occurred. Need even more info on a specific action by one of the users? Check the Audit Logs and filter the records by category, user, action or time. Better yet, download the log in a .csv file for further processing. Click here for more information on checking for changes.
  • Account Settings - Change is inevitable, so there might be occasions when you have to change your account name into something more relevant for your needs. You can also change the URL of your UiPath Cloud Platform site, although we advise you not to do it often. If you do however, please make sure that everyone knows about it. Click Account Settings and edit them, hit Save , and marvel as your account is updated in real-time.
    Remember that changing your account name, URL, or service name greatly impacts your previous UiPath Cloud Platform account configurations.

How to Use

  • To get started, go to https://platform.uipath.com. Sign up for an account if you are not yet a Community user. If you are, log in with your existing Orchestrator Community credentials and enjoy the ride!

Reporting Issues and Feedback

The Product Engineering team members will be engaged closely in reviewing all of your feedback and providing additional help or clarity.

Happy exploring the new UiPath Cloud Platform!


Hello @Ryan_Rush, Cloud Platform don’t working from Ukrainian IP`s :frowning:

Is it possible to connect cloud platform with azure AD? I cant get access to identiity manager to proceed with configuration…

Hi Felipe - Coincidentally, we are just launching our preview of Azure AD in preview in the coming weeks. If you’re interested in participating, please join the Insider Program at Insider Preview Program | UiPath and then complete our Preview Registration form: https://insider.uipath.com/#/index/0d1fe558-692f-4591-abfb-0ac0f76d23dc

Our initial preview will be a very limited audience to gather initial feedback to help us improve, but we do plan to expand the preview in the coming weeks. If you have some specific scenarios you’d like to test for your organization, please definitely share in the preview registration form.


Ryan Rush (Insider Program)