Hai hello everyone,
I am trying to do uipath assistant set up a schedule (remeinder) process, I am not connected to orchestrator.
But the ui assistant showing my bot availability there but one bot is not showing there I don’t know why???
Is there any option or how to do one of my bot availability to there.
Please help me on this.
Thanks & regards,
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Hey @siva_sankar ,
Sorry, Not understood completely.
You mean you are unable to connect your bot ?
Awaiting your response
Yeah right my bot is not connected there???
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So, yes you need first connect it to orchestrator and refresh once…
If you want the steps to connect please let me know.
Yeah I need steps to connect
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Hey @siva_sankar ,
Could you please follow the manual steps over here…
Hi @siva_sankar ,
In order to have your missing bot shown on UiPath Assistant app you have to publish your missing process (bot)
Do not connect to Orchestrator. You will not be able to see the robots that are locally published.
Best regards,
Thank.you now it’s working
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March 13, 2021, 7:48am
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