Unable to connect to Orchestrator Using UiPath Assistant

Upon starting my Studio I discovered that I not connected to the Orchestrator. This is on my local. As suggested by the tooltip belowScreenshot 2021-09-22 194048
I clicked on my UiPath Assistant > Preferences > Orchestrator Settings

Upon clicking on Connect I got this error:

When I tried to reconnect I got this error:

Can someone help me on this? Also, Can someone tell me how I can get the machine key. Thank you in advance.


This issue occurs when a Robot which is not locally licensed runs a workflow for the second time, but with the connection to Orchestrator lost for more than 30 minutes.

Delete the robot and Try reconnecting the robot as per this doc

Try choosing unattended bot type while creating robot

Cheers @Robinson_Francis

HI @Robinson_Francis,

Could you please try with orchestrator URL only till DefaultTenant/ and remove the rest from there?

Also, on orchestrator, please verify if your machine is configured with the right license(please confirm which one is allocated currently) and please check the domain/username used to configure the machine.
