UiPath Apps: How to set values for dropdown box

Dear all,

in UiPath Apps I try to set some values as items for a dropdown control. I would like to set them in the app and not by a process since the values are fixed. Is it possible?


Thank you in advance.

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I am facing the same issue. Did you found a solution? I need to create a drop down with fixed values and I don’t want to trigger another process to get them.

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no, I didn’t find any solution :confused: I tried to set a rule to set values but without success. Did you try that?

Yes, but with no luck. I don’t think it is supported, as I understand from this post How to build a dropdown in UiPath apps

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This is exactly what I’m trying to do also. I shouldn’t have to trigger another bot just to get an out argument, simply pointing the list source to an array of strings or ideally an Orchestrator asset would be perfect but it seems this is not possible?

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@s.bruce Since that post I have used apps more frequently and I didn’t find a solution. So I really think it is not possible. Maybe we can suggest UiPath to add something like that?


I see that they introduced static dropdowns:
Enable this setting in General tab of the App

And start using functions:



@Oana_Georgiana_Vasile thank you for the update!

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