UI Path Community Edition - which one?

Hi All
I have downloaded the community edition UI Path for some reason it still requries me to have a license?

Can someone please advise which UI Path do i need to practice and get some exposure to doing:
(Open source)

-Web Scraping
-Excel Transformation
-PDF Scraping?

Thanks in advance all!
any advice, shared linked will be much appreciated.

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Connect this robot machine with Orchestrator and acquire license from to activate UiPath Studio. Click second option.

Hi Laksham thanks for your response but i dont have a license.
I am trying to download a free community edition to just practice some tasks for
-Web Scraping
-Excel Automation

Advice would be helpful

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Kindly have a view on this document
It will let you know how to go by this page

Cheers @Shrik


Yes that’s why I am telling connect your Robot machine with Cloud Orchestrator to acquire license and then Uipath studio will be activated automatically.

Still confused
Where am I exactly getting the Orchestrator URL Link from though?
This has to be more the unorthdox what of trying to install a free software just to test out.

Part 1 of image is this

part 2 of image is this

Part 3 of image
is the 2nd URL part i am not sure how and where to copy and paste from.



Please check below thread.

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