UI element error while screen scrapping Pdf file

I am using screen scrapping for getting the data from Pdf file. Sometimes activity is working but now I am getting an error “Cannot find UI element corresponding to the selector”.
Please help to resolve this issue.

Hi @deepak99

Do you have multiple format of PDF Files.

You can use this as your reference.

cheers :smiley:

Happy learning :smiley:

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I know this and this topic is depreciated.

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Hi @deepak99,

I facing this problem same with you when using adobe reader
For my solution: I using [Maximize Window] activity before run OCR to get text from PDF.

I hope it would be useful for you :blush:

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How can I resolve the UI element problem.

Nope. I am also maximizing it before scrapping.

This problem occurred when scroll page?
Please try to use key Up or Down to scroll page in PDF reader.
It’s slow but sure :disappointed_relieved:

Do you use wildcard in your selector when Maximize Window?

I am getting the UI element error while scrapping data from Pdf file in Get OCR activity.

No I am not getting this error in Scroll.
I am getting this error in Screen Scrapping.


Please try to use click activity or click image to click some area in PDF page, before you run screen scraping.

For sample:

I hope it would be useful for you :blush:

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Okay I will try and get back to you.
Thank you

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