its worked few days ago and I completed the bot based on that data. now its throwing error. I tried through UI explorer. few days ago its worked, now not working
Studio/Robot/Orchestrator Version:
Studio version: 2016.2.6274
Last stable behavior:
Last stable version:
OS Version: windows 7
Others if Relevant: (workflow, logs, .net version, service pack, etc):
after this popup only I can find elements. but this popup will shown during the development only. when I try to find element during the development, PDF will render and returning the elements. in production getting error stated that, element not found.
I am facing the same issue. When robot trying to scrape the table data from PDF using selector then same pop-up occures.
Please provide the resolution @badita, @Vikas.Jain.
I have been having the same issue since v2016 not able to read PDF’s… I was able to get it working by changing some settings in adobe reader like checking and unchecking “Use document structure for tab order when no explicit tab order is specified” and “Enable assistive technology support”. I was hoping that 2018 would solve this issue. Now if and when it’s working I get the same pop up but I am only getting it during development. When I actually go and execute the script it fails because it can not read the PDF. This issue is really impacting some projects.
We are working on something new, but we can detect elements inside as much as adobe lets us. The problem is with their assistive technology, we did our best so far using what they give us.