Ui Data extraction

How can I extract data from the following table if there are 13 pages of the different content. kindly please check the attachment. Condition is status should be open and Type is WI1and WIID is <200000.

Hi @sainath2172

1.Use Data Scrapping and click yes multiple pages. You will get all pages data.

2.Use this in if condition Status=‘Open’ And Type=‘Wl1’ And WIID<200000

3.And inside then use Write Range Activity pass Data Scrapping Output Data table variable.

Kommi Jeevan

I was unable to get whole data by using Data Scraping @kommijeevan

click Data Scrapping

click next

click any column

click yes

click finish

click yes


click greater than symbol

Thank you @kommijeevan

it’s working fine or not?

Cheers @sainath2172 if you find it useful mark it as solution and close the thread.

Yup It was extracting whole data in csv but if we give condition it was enable to get data related to condition @kommijeevan

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