I want to extract all job titles from linkedIn , it shows all data in the Data Scraping Wizard but doesn’t write all of them to excel file, only 7 lines.
I can't extract all data from the web page using " Data Scraping " activity. Can you help me please?
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It is scraping only the visible part of the jobs. After seven jobs apply scroll and scarp until it reaches end.
Hi i have tried it , and it only getting data that was shown on the screen ,
and because it didnt have “next button” ,then i think you will have make the condition yourself to scroll it down and then getting the data untill it cannot be scrolled down/pagedown again
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In the extract datatable activity property panel change the value of the property Number of items as 0 for all values been extracted
Cheers @Abdullah_enes_Akkoyunlu
Thanks a lot. I just learned the difference between dynamic page and normal one.
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