TypeInto activity won't type in 500 (integer) into website

Hello there. I’m trying to let the robot type “500” (as a number) into a field on the target website, but it just won’t do it…The robot doesn’t fail, runs by, but doesn’t execute the TypeInto activity. See screenshots. Thanks in advance!

The website where 500 needs to be typed in to the ending index field:

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my automation:

hi @tech2

is it vomitting the digits or it is not able to write anything in that field

If you watch the robot it looks like the field isn’t touched at all…So there is ‘39’ in the field and ‘39’ stays there while the robot continues to download (and succeeds)

Enable empty field and simulate properties and try once

is empty field property enabled ? as well as click before typing ?


let us know if those properties are enabled

Single line empty field is enabled. How do I enable the simulate properties?

In the Click activity there is no option to enable empty field?

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Is it clearing the old number there @tech2

You can keep both the properties are enabled

  1. click before =Single
    2.Empty Field = *SingleLine



Hi @tech2

Even I had encountered similar type of issue

But was clearing the field first and then typing it

Hi @tech2

Do let us know if you are still not able to type there after following above steps

We can think of some other approach

Click on the input mode
There u can find the simulate option


no it isn’t. The old number stands.

i adjusted these settings, but still the same result. It looks like it just ‘skips’ that action. Nr 39 is still in the field, not emptied…

Can you try this

i get these info message:

@Praveen_Mudhiraj i did enable both settings in de TypeInto activity

i have click before typing set to ‘single click’:


and emptiefield to ‘single line’:


Hi did you tried to use a “Click”-Activity before you set the text before?
Have you tried to do a element exists to verfiy the field can be found by UiPath?

Oter way could be to read this field as a uielement and pass it to the click actitty.