Type, Select And Click

Hi Guys,

i want to click an option like this, i have to fill in this input first, then an option like this will appear, and i want to choose one of the options whose data is the same as the data i want to select.

Hi Gilang ,
i will assume u r from indonesia ya,

jadi ada beberapa steps yang bisa dilakukan
1.create var string to store the d input value to be inputted
2.create the automation

  • for the drop down you can use activity called “Select item”
    and on the value field you can put the VARIABLE you just created ,
    if any of the input and dropdown value match it will be selected automatically

if cannot use “Select Item”
then can do
1.click the drop down
2.use type into but dont use any selector ,
on the type into use the VAR for the input value
3.use “Send Hotkey” acticity value “Enter” to select the dropdown value


hehe iyaa aku dari indonesia

let me know kalau masi bingung ya :slight_smile:

welcome to RPA Forum

kayak gini kan ?

oh i see, gak usah pake down lagi,
tinggal DestinationRamp + Enter

bisa seperti itu jika mmg butuh click down ,
yang penting value yg dipilih benar.

apakah sudah coba “SELECT ITEM”
harusnya bisa lebih singkat
tapi kalau tidak bisa ,
sesuai dengan yang anda sudah buat juga bisa

aku coba pake select item gk bisa

okey then , pakai yg bisa aja,

2.type into
3.send hotkey enter

kalau solusi saya membantu jangan lupa untuk “Mark as Solution” ya ,agar yg melihat bisa reference ke jawaban yg cocok dengan pertanyaan diatas


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