Type into issues

i have EmptyField checked,but the previous characters are stiill on it partly like this:“xxxxxxx_rr_earchResult”.the correct name should be ":“xxxxxxx_rr”

Hi @chen,

can you log it before typing the strFilePath2 variable.
may be the strFilePath2 its self having the same value.


i logged,it dose’t has the same value .
sometimes it’s good but sometimes failed,would it be too fast to clear ?

@chen, Can you check the Simulate Type Property in Type into field and give some Delaybetweenkeys in milliseconds ?

Dominic :slight_smile:

i have tried,if Simulate Type checked,when run the robot remote and make the desktop Minimize,then a exception will be thrown

HI @chen,

can you share the screenshot of the error which you are getting


sorry,I confused the mistake.when Simulate Type checked.The phenomenon is like following:
when i download file from online and save as “xxxx_yyyy_rr.csv”,but it dosent’t work,it’s name is still “search.csv” by default

HI @chen,

Can you provide the xaml file to check regarding this issue.


Hi @chen,

Can you uncheck click before typing property and try it again.


oh,thank you ,it seems to be ok when the Delaybetweenkeys set to 30

Hi @chen,

now its working??

i seen in the image u already gave Delaybetweenkeys - 30.what did you made changes?


That’s when I did not run after setting the screenshot,I guess it may be too fast to type when
sendWindowMessages or SimulateType checked

another issues about hover:like this:

then exception thrown:

i’m so sorry