Troubleshooting In check box

Hi all,
Can anyone please suggest me how to check the check box by only using keyboard Activities …
I have tried using send Hotkey and Type into by sending (" ") space in double quotes but its not working …
Can anyone please suggest some alternative way to check the check by using keyboard activities…


@praveenchintu374 ,

If It Normally Checks by Clicking on the Check box, then using Keyboard Activities have you tried Enter Key ?

yeah but enter key is not working for my requirement …
i have tried manually by using the space key from keyboard then i tried same thing using send hot key and type into it was failing to check the check box

Can you show the send hot key properties you have used

selector is getting highlighted properly right…also try by checking click before typing property

Since the position of check box will be different so i am not indicating the UI element


Hey @praveenchintu374

The below worked for me.

" "

Is your site a public site to try ?

Also did you try to manually hit a space to check if that’s working on that check box.


Yeah @Nithinkrishna
manually I’ve tried space key , it was working but if i tried using with activities …i’m not able to check the check box…
*Site is not public

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Hey @praveenchintu374

Then I’m pretty sure this will work with automation.

So are you getting an error or just that it executes but the checkbox is not getting checked.

Also, Kindly show the snap of the selector once please.


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Hello @praveenchintu374

Did you tried the activity “Check” . It would be better if you can share the selector the check box here and the screenshot of the form which you are automating.

If there are multiple checkboxes in the form then you need to give the proper selector. otherwise it can fail.

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Hi @praveenchintu374,

As your friends have mentioned, the space works, but if you have tried it, if there is a label on the right and left, maybe you can mark it by clicking on it.



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Thanks for the reply but I want to use only keyboard activities

it will just executes but the checkbox is not getting checked.

Okay great, Kindly show us the selector to verify once please…



Hey @praveenchintu374

Please expand the Target property.

Then kindly open the Selector property in advanced view to show us.


we are not indicating UI element to get selector

Hey @praveenchintu374 :face_with_peeking_eye:

How do you think then this will pass the space key to the checkbox


I have used only keyboard activities to enter the data like tab using send hotkey so that it will move to next field where i use to enter the data …at the end we have a check box so by using tab i have moved and focused cursor to that check box …then i used send hot key with space and Type into without indicating i have given double quotes…
it was working for other scenarios but not for this requirement