Trial version “Subscription Expired” need help


I made the mistake of installing the enterprise edition with the 60 day trial… Then it expired. i really meant to install the community edition. so i completely uninstalled UIPath and tried to install the community (no limit use) edition and apon authenticating it says my trial has expired…i assume that code it send shows my computer id info and wont allow me to reinstall. Is there a way to fix this… i just want to use the free version .Any help would be great. Thanks


Refer the below post and follow the steps to resolve your problem

i dont understand the second step… i have the community edition installed but how do i do this?

Connect Studio (the Robot in user-mode that comes with Studio) to Orchestrator Community Edition: as Development Robot

even on my programs i only see UIpath Robot and UIPathStudio and when i open studio i can do anything but try and authinticate which is my issue… i cant select or link or connect anything

In the above post refer how to connect robot to orchestrator

i must have made a mistake… when i try and get key thru orchestrator it says machine key is linked to another machine… Any suggestions?

Can you help with screenshots, of robot tray and orchestrator where machine key you are taking and the error message

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