Throw Exception - retry scope runs even after exception is thrown inside Pick branch activivty When there is Invalid Code

hi Everyone , my process still runs after the exception is throwed:

My retry scope is inside If activivty → If activivty is inside Try catch block

condition of If block is , retryCounter>=2 , so it should throw a excpetion when counter is 2 so then part of that if condition has Throw Exception.

Else part has the rethrow activivty → properties retry max time set to → 2times.

all these scenarios are inside pick branch activivty, and my sequence wont stop it still runs even after the exception is thrown, it only stops when UI element for retry scope is not found

can someone help ?/

pick screen condition when code is wrong

the try catch block

pleae help me to understand the pick activivty, what am i doing wrong ??

@ashokkarale could you help me in this situation ?

Hi @samantha_shah ,

You are using Check App State incorrectly in Pick Branch’s Trigger section.

You should not add anything inside Target appeared or not appeared sequences of Check App State

These activities you put in there should be in Action part of pick branch.

Check by correcting this.

I know we are short of documentation on Pich Branch but you can refer this video for basic understanding.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face: