This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe

How to control the startup message about updating linked workbooks in Excel

Issue Description

When Robot tries to open an Excel file, a dialog box appears:

"This workbook contains links to one or more external sources that could be unsafe".


Depending on the situation, and whether the links can be updated, the steps below must be applied.
Robot accounts may not have the privilege or access to update them.

Manual update and no message

When the file is accessed by the Robot, the account will not have access to the sources of the updated links, you can turn off updating and the prompt for updating. To suppress the message and leave the links (not updated) until you choose to update them, follow these steps:

  1. In Excel, select Edit Links in the Queries & Connections group on the Data tab.

  2. Click Startup Prompt.

  3. Click the Don't display the alert and don't update automatic links option.


  • If you choose not to update the links and not to receive the message, the users of the workbook will not know that the data is out of date.
  • This choice affects all users of the workbook. However, this choice applies only to that particular workbook.

Automatic update and no message

To suppress the message and to automatically update the links when you open a workbook in Excel, follow these steps:

  1. Select File > Options > Advanced.
  2. Under General, click to clear the Ask to update automatic links check box.


  • When the Ask to update automatic links check box is cleared, the links are automatically updated. Additionally, no message appears.
  • This option applies to the current user only and affects every workbook that the current user opens.
  • Other users of the same workbooks are not affected.