Hello, I am trying to pass an output connection of Terminal Session as argument between many workflows but the problem is the outputConnection varibale is null.
As i can see everything looks good…
I think duplicate variable is created
If not created, i am not seeing any other problems in the work flow which you created…
Yes it worked in the main flo, even if I copy and past the second flow in the main flow it worked too. I am using UiPath Internal as provider, but I saw this provider cannot generate an outputConnection.
same issue here everything works fine if all terminal sessions are in the same flow/activity but the minute I move one outside of the activity where the connection is created the existing connection was null. I was able to fix this by creating a second terminal connection variable and after making the connection I assigned the connection terminal variable to the second one created and then used that one moving forward and everything worked fine!
Likewise! When using the terminal session activity and trying to assign an OutputConnection, the variable/argument I am using has a value of “Null”. Does this depend on the type of database I am trying to connect to? I am trying to connect to a reflection for UNIX.
I had the same problem where OutputConnection in TerminalSession would return null. What solved my problem was I had to leave an empty Sequence inside of TerminalSession activity instead of deleting it:
- returns null
- works fine