Terminal IBM3270 Timeout crash


I have a timeout issue (randomly) with the activity terminal from UIPATH here my connection Configuration IBM EHLLAPI:
-EHLL dll : C:\Program Files (x86)\Quick3-270\ehlapi32.dll
-EHLL Function: hllapi
-ELL session: A
-EHLL enhanced : no
-EHLL Basic mode: no

Here the log when the timeout start to create some bugs :
21:12:53.5014 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:12:53.5264 error EhllBridge.GetScreenSize error : ParameterError
21:12:53.5264 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(80) returned 10
21:12:53.5264 error EhllBridge.StartCommNotification error : FunctionNotAvailable
21:12:54.8763 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:12:54.8763 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
21:12:56.2032 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:12:56.2032 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
21:12:57.2761 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
21:12:59.9278 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:12:59.9448 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
21:13:00.9777 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
21:13:01.6026 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:13:01.6026 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
21:13:04.9343 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:13:04.9343 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
21:13:05.9542 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
21:13:07.2681 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
21:13:07.2791 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError

And some time when I get the timeout error and I want to relanch the workflow file I get a new error “Authentication : There was an error connecting to terminal. Error code: Error” and I have to close/Re-open my windows session to make the script work again.

Here the log about the authentication error :
21:08:11.0935 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(1) returned 11
21:08:11.1195 error EhllBridge.Attach error : ResourceNotAvailable
21:08:11.1245 error System.Exception: Error attaching to session at UiPath.Terminal.Generic.EHLLApi.EhllTerminal.InitializeEhll(ConnectionData connectionData)
21:08:11.1245 error at UiPath.Terminal.Generic.EHLLApi.EhllTerminal.InitializeEhll(ConnectionData connectionData)
21:08:11.1245 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(2) returned 1
21:08:11.1245 error EhllBridge.Detach error : NotConnected

So what do you think do I have to choose another DLL or do I have to upgrade UIPATH from 2016.2 to 2017.1 ?

Many thanks

We have seen issue where in the if the terminal is left idle for more than 10 min , the connection between the workflow and the terminal connection is lost. As a workaround, please try sending key’s to the terminal server every 5 min so that the connection is retained.

This issue has been fixed in the terminal package uploaded in this comment. Please try using it and let me know if it helps. UiPath.Terminal.Activities.1.1.6449.21063.nupkg (764.7 KB)

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many thanks for your fast answer.

I will check with this package I come back to you in the hours :slight_smile:


I still have the time out issue :confused: and after the UIPATH crash the emulator Quick on IBM3270 is blocked and you have this “A X()” that pop up.

Here the log : (I think this create the problem : “EhllBridge.IsReady Wait error : Busy”)
14:33:53.4082 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
14:33:54.4532 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
14:33:57.1052 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
14:33:57.1272 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
14:33:58.1652 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
14:33:58.8122 warn BrokerService.ComputeMetadata fields warning: no fields
14:33:59.1212 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(22) returned 2
14:33:59.1212 error EhllBridge.GetTerminalType error : ParameterError
14:34:00.1442 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(4) returned 4
14:34:00.1482 error EhllBridge.IsReady Wait error : Busy
14:34:00.1482 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(4) returned 4
14:34:00.1652 error EhllBridge.IsReady Wait error : Busy
14:34:00.1652 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(4) returned 4
14:34:00.1652 error EhllBridge.IsReady Wait error : Busy
14:34:00.1652 warn EhllapiWrapper.CallEhllApi(4) returned 4
14:34:00.1782 error EhllBridge.IsReady Wait error : Busy

Press Ctrl Key and try. It will resolve your “A X()” error. You have sent some erroneous commands.


Apparently it’s not the UIPATH fault, the IBM3270 server is unstable so the user or robot is getting (randomly) kicked by the system.

Many thanks !

That A(X) is read only mode so you can use “Send Control key” activity for terminal with Esc.

and may be you can check this one as well
