Task Scheduler


Is there a problem with programming the execution of a attended-robot from the task scheduler?
This generates errors in the execution or some type of blocking?
Is there a different alternative to using the orchestrator?

Thank you

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Good afternoon UserRPA,

There should be no problem with this approach.

We’ve occasionally used the Task Scheduler to kick off .bat files that launch the bot processes.


Hi @UserRPA
the task scheduler will only work with bat if you have the correct Bat file created as indicated by @chenderson

  • the correct locations and nuget file to it

Hi @chenderson @Shubham_Varshney , thanks for your replies.

I was asking this because I have run robots with scheduled tasks that after some executions begin to fail until I manually execute them again. Any idea why that happens?

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I’m not sure User, we haven’t encountered that problem yet but I’ll be sure to reach out if we do or I find the solution.

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@UserRPA Please paste the screenshot here. So that we can understand the actual error that you are facing :slight_smile:

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What happens is that the non-simulated activities stop working, they all arrive at the timeout even if the selector is visible. Then I manually run correctly and for 2 or 3 hours the robot works correctly from the scheduled task and then the same thing starts to happen. I have read that UiPath does not support the task scheduler and you have to run these robots from the orchestrator. This happens with several different developments.

Hi @UserRPA

There is a reason why the task scheduler doesn’t work, the reason is the version of the robot you have tied it with :slight_smile:

I recommend to use Orchestrator to avoid this issue :slight_smile:

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