Take Whole page Screenshot in chrome without extension

Can we take screenshot of the whole page of a chrome webpage in uipath without using extension and third party packages?

Please help me with this.


Could you pls try with the Take Screenshot activity in UiPath to take the whole web page. i think we don’t need extension and custom packages. Please refer the below link for further guidance. thanks.

Thanks for the reply. But I dont want to take screenshot which is visible but I want to take the whole webpage which is scrollable.

A screenshot will only capture what is visible on screen. That’s kind of the definition.

Try printing the webpage to PDF instead. I don’t know if there are custom activities for that, maybe take a look https://marketplace.uipath.com/
Otherwise use hotkey ctrl + p in chrome and save to pdf via user interface.


since we have restriction on custom activities. Can we use the send hot keys Ctrl+Alt and prtsc get the whole web page scrollable.

and after that we can get the image from clipboard and save into word or excel. Please refer the below thread guide us to get the image from clipboard. I think it might help your requirement. Thanks.

Ya that’s what I have used for time being. But it takes a longer time per screen but I have like multiple screen moreover a kind of Application filling.

Ok, how about this:

ctrl + shift + i
followed by ctrl + shift + p
type capture full, select with click or enter.
Take screenshot from download folder