Studio Pro (Community, 2021.2.0-beta.44) does not connect to Test Manager


I have been using the Community Edition for a long time and have set up a connection to the Orchestrator (UiPath) without any problems. Everything works fine. When connecting to the test manager (UiPath) there is a problem on one of my Windows desktop (I switch between them)). It looks like UiPath Studio is opening Internet Explorer. On another Windows desktop the connection works without problems. I have already tried a number of tips without success (e.g. Test Manager and StudioPro - #2 by Pratik_Wavhal).

My question: Where does UiPath Studio Pro get the info that leads to the use of IE?

best regards


Hi @Ray_Mueller,
There are already many newer releases. Have you checked those?

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@Pablito Sorry, I’m a bit sloppy. After update Studio on effected machine all works fine. Thanks.

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