Test Manager and StudioPro

Hi guys.

I have installed Test Manager and StudioPro and I tried to connect two programs.
I did not have a problem when I entered the address of Test Manager in StudioPro in Test Manager Setting.
However, I got an error when I clicked ‘link to test’ button under the Test Manager Icon in Studio Pro.
It gives me several scripting error pages and says
‘You are using an outdated browser. Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience.’.

I use Chrome for Orchestrator and Test Manager.
I do not know why it says i am using an outdated browser.

Is there any solution for this kind of error?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @111421

Do update your chrome browser.

Below is the updated latest version of chrome.


Mark as solution and like it if this helps you :slight_smile:

Happy Automation :raised_hands:

Best Regards
Er Pratik Wavhal :robot::man_technologist:t4: :computer:

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Make Chrome has your default browser and try linking the test case in studio pro

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Thanks for your help.
My Chrome is already the latest version.

Chrome is my default browser of window.
Can I change the default browser of StudioPro?

You cant change browser setting separately for Studio, Studio will always opt your windows default browser.

I have the same issue.
Im switching my default browser between Chrome and Edge (becouse I can log into TM on both of them) but UiPath Studio is still trying to use IE while connecting to TM (and it is not working).

@111421 did you solve this issue?

The technical support helped me out here with a quick response that worked for me:

Please note that by default the test case link is performed using the IE engine and,
• the Test Manager URL has to be added in the trusted sites in IE
• the compatibility settings in IE have to be disabled.


Thanks, solved the issue for me

Someone else having this issue and/or another solution?
Switching / updating browsers didn’t help out and IE trusted sites are not configurable due to policy restrictions in our case…

In some scenarios, we’ve seen that the IE Engine used for Studio gets reset to an older IE version, likely due to group policy changes.

While we’re working to remove this dependency for logging into Test Manager, the below script should resolve the issue (after restarting Studio).

To fix the issue, open a powershell administrator window (search for powershell right-click and run as administrator or press WIN+X → A), copy-paste the script below and run it:

Set-ItemProperty -path "hklm:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION" -name "UiPath.Studio.exe" -value 11000
Set-ItemProperty -path "hkcu:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION" -name "UiPath.Studio.exe" -value 11000
Set-ItemProperty -path "hklm:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION" -name "UiPath.Studio.exe" -value 11000
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this script is not working for me.
Still the same error:

I added our Testmanager URL to the trusted sites in IE and disabled the compatibility settings.

Anything else I can do?


Hi Armin,

I updated the script with an additional registry path to set, as setting the first two may not always be enough.

If it’s still not working, please open the Registry Editor (WIN+R → regedit), change the path in the top bar to point to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION, and ensure that a UiPath.Studio.exe entry exists, and that the data value in parenthesis is 11000.

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Hi Alvin,

thanks for the fast reply!
Unfortunately the error still exists.
Screenshot from the registry:

Hi Armin,

Sorry to hear that. Please file a support ticket in order to enable us to help you investigate this issue further.


Dear @AlvinStanescu ,

Any update on this issue?? We recently enabled test manager on-prem and facing this issue while connecting to test manager. I have tried all the resolutions provided but nothing worked in favour. Please suggest.


Hi @rpafactory,

With the upcoming release, we are changing the authentication mechanism so that the manual login will no longer be required when used with a 21.4 Test Manager & Orchestrator, but, at least to my knowledge, we still haven’t been in contact with anyone facing this issue in production.

Please file a support ticket in order to enable us to help you investigate this issue further.


Dear Forum Members,

I am trying to install Test Manager but when I accept the license agreement and click on Next, I am getting this error:

It is showing that the following windows features need to be enabled in windows settings but which windows features do I need to enable. Please help, if you know about this error.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @111421,

What is the error you get while doing this?

As you will also not be able to link to test if there is no test project created in test manager first.


I get the error (IE is used: this browser is no longer supported) with Studio Pro version 2021.2.0-beta.44.