Studio 2024.10.5 ENTERPRISE, yet something as Copy&Paste still DOESN'T WORK

See the video.

I want the staff to understand that only a small share of the annoyances we experience are reported, as this is time consuming and we have so many issues of this kind that we wouldn’t ever stop.

Beta-testing is an intensive task which requieres a lot of time, resources and money and we’ve been doing it for free for like one year and a half. I wish the issues were at least addressed, instead of using these reports and complaints to threaten employees. One of the times we reported this was almost one year ago.

Copy&paste is such a basic thing, like redo/undo or switching tabs, that I can’t simply understand how it’s not yet working up to now, and the replies we always get to these “mysteries” are that “oh, so strange, noone of our very big, important customers complained ever about that; it must be you”.

It is indeed a rather old bug. It doesn’t work in this case, but it would work if the Get Team by Name activity, on top of which you are trying to paste, were placed in a sequence.

It has already been resolved in cross-platform projects:

The new design of the Try-Catch that indirectly fixes this issue is also coming to Windows projects.

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