Really good to engage into automation in such a simpler way. Of coarse, there will be few hurdles but we will go through together. Currently, I have so many thoughts on things to automate but for now, I will keep on learning until I get a hold of it.
Still can’t use addins (Specially, “indicate” in Excel file) for now. But the workaround in specifying the cell works.
Hi malmaslamani, Yes I am not sure why can’t I use the ‘indicate’ function on Excel file. It is still showing the same. The error is
" Failed to connect to the UiPath Excel Add-in. Please check that UiPath.Excel Add-in is installed by going to: Home | Tools | Excel Add-in "
I had the same problem (and worked around it like you did). Once I closed and reopened Excel as per the advice in this thread though, the problem was resolved.
Mine is a different behaviour - after clicking the “Tick”, nothing seems to happen. “Cancel” doesn’t work to. Is there something I should have downloaded?
Same here. Indicate in Excel, I indicate, nothing happens. Wrote it manually it works. Still can’t figure out how to make the project run on an entire range, not just a cell. Just one cell I can handle by myself
I also encounter the similar issues. When I “type into” and “indicate excel”, there is an error message saying “Interface no registered. Failed to find proxy registration for IID”.
I have installed the Excel add-in and using M365. What seems to be the issue?