Can't indicate in excel in StudioX

Trying to indicate in excel but it is showing error in Studio X, can any one help regarding this. Thanks in advance


I am also eagerly waiting for some inputs on the same. Waiting for the UiPath person to get back to me.

Hi @harishraj,
First you have to enable it
–Tools—>and click excel AddIn

If you find it useful mark it as solution and close the thread.



yup done @gulshiyaa

now its working?
If its working fine mark as solution and like

No, it not working @gulshiyaa
error is"Excel Addin is installed but disabled, enable it"

Restart your microsoft application

tried every possible way @gulshiyaa

Okay have you open this and indicate your value here


restarted it and shows same error

hey @harishraj

If you want to indicate it before you want to select open Excel workspace


and there you want to place your value and save before using that excel close the excel and indicate it

Before indicating the excel close the excel and after indicate the value

go to this

And click conform


have you tried to enable the adding from excel ?
In excel application, go to options, addins-> com addins and check the uipath addin , save and restart.
let me know how it works.

What office version do you have?

Hi, I have the same error.

Yep, I’ve tried this as well but still the same error.
It says this error:

Failed to connect to the UiPath Excel Add-in. Please check that UiPath.Excel Add-in is installed by going to: Home | Tools | Excel Add-in

Any idea on this?

Verify task manager so no excel process is open/hung in there. Kill it if so. Then install addin again.
What office version do you use?

SAme problem I ma facing . Done all solutions but still same error. Not able to go ahead. Please guide.

I have installed Excel Addin - But while doing project giving me error same as mentioned above.

Hello, did you get a solution for that issue finally?

what studiox version are you using?
is office installed via windows store or using a msi?
do you see the addin in excel → options-> addins-> com addins ? is it present there but not enabled? can you try to enable it and try again to indicate after excel restart?

Dear Studio X,
Thanks for the prompt followup - very appreciated! here are my answers to those questions.

what studiox version are you using? => Studio X2020.4.1 Community license (latest version downloaded 3 weeks ago)
is office installed via windows store or using a msi? => Installed on windows
do you see the addin in excel → options-> addins-> com addins ? is it present there but not enabled? can you try to enable it and try again to indicate after excel restart? => I see the addin installed, and it’s a trusted publisher, however, there is an issue to run the addin:


Any clue why I have such an issue? I have run the Uipath.integration.excelAddin.vsto for the “app-20.4.1”/ not the beta (as instructed in the “UiPath Excel Addin Installation Troubleshooting v4 (1)” )

Many thanks for your support!