Dear community,
This is our fourth year when we are launching the data collection for an essential piece of research for community. The State of the Automation Professional Survey 2023 is designed to understand through a series of quantitative and qualitative questions, your background, tech stacks, level of satisfaction, main learning resources, and many more. We appreciate your involvement shown in the participation rate last year and we do hope you generate awareness around it.
The data will be presented in an insightful report available to all those that complete the survey and express their intention to receive a copy. Completing the survey gets the opportunity to enter our raffle to win one of 50 vouchers for UiPath branded goods. The estimated completion time is 15 minutes. The automation professional’s community near you is important, so please spread the word among your peers on social networks.
Take the survey! Your voice matters! Let’s find together what shapes the art and practice of automation today.
Note that the survey data collection will close on April 30.
Read last year’s report and key takeaways.
UiPath Community team