πŸš€ Welcome to the fifth annual State of the Automation Professional report

:hourglass: Each year, the UiPath Community conducts a comprehensive survey of automation professionals to gain insights into how organizations are staffing and supporting this dynamic industry. We also explore what automation professionals think about their jobs, how they navigate different roles, and what the future holds.

:two_hearts: We extend our heartfelt thanks to the 1,909 automation professionals and students from around the world, representing a wide range of industries, who participated this year.

:seedling: Some things have remained consistent each year: automation professionals are satisfied and feel optimistic about the future. AI is becoming more entrenched in automation processes. 90% of automation professionals are using or planning to use it within the coming year.

:bulb: Dive into the data to uncover what automation professionals are experiencing in their work environments, how smoothly they transition into new roles, and their perspectives on AI. Explore why they choose certain tools and technologies, and the level of influence they have in decision making within their companies.

:compass: LP: State of the Automation Professional Report 2024 | UiPath
:compass: Key findings: State of the automation professional: key findings for 2024 | Community blog

A promotional graphic for the UiPath Community's "State of the Automation Professional Report 2024" depicts two people engaged in conversation, with an option to download the report. (Captioned by AI)


Amazing work, @Oana_Chicioroaga & team! This report is exceptional! :rocket:

Dear Community, we want to hear your thoughts! Dive into the report and share your discoveries with us. Let’s keep the conversation aliveβ€”join in, explore insights from your fellow members, and share your feedback. Together, we can continue to rock the stage! :metal:


A post was split to a new topic: Issue with cloud account