Hello, I did a test on the Sharepoint Download activity by trying to perform a download and there was no error and no result as shown in the screenshot. Do you know what the issue may be?
Hello. And sorry to keep bugging you but now I’m having an issue with doing the upload. Your instructions are still a little confusing.
I’m using the same info/file that I did in the download example I showed earlier. I now have a document sitting at D:\SPDownload\eula.1028.txt and I am trying to upload it to the Upload document library on the same Sharepoint site where I performed the download. The only difference is a different document library. Your upload instructions say that the “Path To Folder” is the path to your folder in the Sharpoint and the example you give is (Your folder/Your folder/Your folder name), this path you need to get after root folder name (Library Name)!
My library name is Upload. There is no path after this root library name. I’ve tried “Upload”, “/Upload/”, “Upload/Forms/”, “/Upload/Forms/”, “/sites/RPA_Finance/Upload/”, etc.
The current upload directory is found at https://.com/sites/RPA_Finance/Upload (or https://.com/sites/RPA_Finance/Upload/Forms/AllItems.aspx) and the document libraries name is “Upload”. Based on this, what should the PathToFolder value be?
I also tried that before and it didn’t work, I just didn’t add it to the list of things I tried. I even tried putting “/” just in case it needed a backslash. I have tried again with just “” in the PathToFolder and you can see the result below
Hi. Try to create a new folder for example Report in the folder Upload and then set the pathToFolder “Report” if it didn’t work then you need to check your URL Path or something else.
Thanks Vitalii for creating this feature. I am getting the below error while using “SharePoint Session” activity.
Share point session Executing
Share point session Faulted
Share point session : Value does not fall within the expected range.
Do you know why I am getting it?
Main Executing
Flowchart Executing
Convert from string to secure string Executing
Convert from string to secure string Closed
Share point session Executing
Share point session Faulted
Share point session : Value does not fall within the expected range.
Flowchart Faulted
Main Faulted