Upload list of files to SharePoint url

Hello team,

I want to upload arround 5 files from my local to the SharePoint url I am trying to use the upload files activity of SharePoint bu facing issue while giving the input to files path how can I give the list of files input to this activity.

Hi @sanjay_gowda ,
Pls check this .

Hi @sanjay_gowda,

I don’t think you can upload multiple files in one go.

You can do below:

  1. use get files activity to fetch the files you need to upload.
  2. then run a loop through output variable of get files activity and include upload file to SharePoint activity in that loop to upload those files one by one.

Hope this helps.


Hie @sanjay_gowda for this you can use for each file in a folder activiy or other method is create 2 assign activity 1-string and 2-array of string in string pass the folder path of the files and in arraystring- use directory.getfile(strvariable).tostring now use for each activity and inside that use the window where you doing the upload file step so bot can iterate and take each file one by one and upload the file on sharepoint.

cheers Happy Automation