Set transactionitem output and analytics

Currently it is only possible to set the output and/or analytics collections of a transaction item while changing its status to success.

I would like to see the following options:

  • also enable this for the status failed. Especially for business exceptions this infomration can still be relevant output data if parts of the process are executed.
  • add a new activity that can set or update these collections without changing the status. A similair activity already exists with the ‘Set Transaction Progress’ activity. This would enable runtime updates of output data, so that it does not need to be collected through the entire process and process endings. It would further empower the REF framework that we currently use.

Currently using Studio 2020.10.2 and Orchestrator 2020.10.1

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Hi @Jeroen_van_Loon

Would you mind sharing some details about the types of data that you want to store?

One way to achieve this type of tracking could be the Data Service with its entities. One of its intended uses is to be complementary to the queues.

The data types are pretty straightforward string values (as in key-value pairs), similair to what is available as the queueitem.specificcontent dictionary values.

Updating the latter runtime obviously only updates the localized instance of this dictionary.

A use case from the default REF framework:
I have a process containing three main steps:

  1. Read some order information from a system.
  2. Create a ticket in the ticketing system containing the order information.
  3. Inform some key-user of the ticket created.

Lets assume this does not go well, an application error occurs, and the REF allows an automated retry of the queueitem.
If the error occurs before finishing step 2, the queueitem can safely be retried.
If the error occurs after finishing step 2, it cannot be retried, because it would result in duplicate tickets being created, which is not a desired outcome.

So, the retried queueitem needs to determine what steps were completed, and what not, so logic can be built to skip steps 1 and 2, and proceed directly to step 3.

Step 3 however requires multiple values created in step 2, such as a ticket number, and maybe some order information too.

Having the ability to store those values on the transaction item would simplify this task.
‘Set Transaction Progress’ can achieve this, but only holds one string.
Using Set transaction Status immediately completes (and fails) the entire queue item, which is also not a desired effect in this case.

My current ‘workaround’ is indeed using the ‘Set Transaction Progress’ activity, using a pipe separated string from several key value pairs which is decoded on a retry for reprocessing, but from a maintenance point of view this is not really legible.


I’m looking for such a feature too. It would be very useful when some values need to be taken out of the process.xaml in an exception scenario.

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I agree. It would be extremely useful to be able to update the Transaction Output and Analytics while a transaction is in process by passing in that transaction item.

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I agree. This feature would be extremely useful for business especially since processing the transaction may generate additional new references that are important.

I also think this feature would be very beneficial as I’m trying to build workarounds because this isn’t available.

Update your System.Activities package. It should work with versions from 22.10.3. Reference: Activities - Release Notes -

The Set Transaction Status activity now has both Output and Analytics data present in Orchestrator even when the status of the item is Failed.

Thanks, however I want to be able to update the outputs/analytics without changing the status to failed/successful

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Oh, sorry, missed the other request in the topic :upside_down_face: That would indeed be a neat feature.

No idea why its still not implemented. Its like adding 5 lines of code to the activity.
Just add another property as an InArgument<Dictionary<string, object> in addition to the existing Dictionary<string, object> property.
(If you don’t use an inargument you cannot set a variable to the value.

Then a simple IF statement in the code to take whichever isn’t null and a validation to stop you populating both.

Its crazy thats still not done.

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